
It’s no secret that marketing for law firms is different from marketing for other businesses. Marketing tactics that work for other types of businesses may not be effective in the legal industry because it is highly regulated. That said, it’s important to understand which marketing channels are most popular among law firms so you can make sure your content reaches the right audience. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the research behind the top marketing channels for law firms and why they’re so popular. We’ll also offer insights into which channel you should use to reach legal consumers.

Digital marketing is one of the most popular marketing channels for law firms. In fact, according to research by the Legal Marketing Association and Bloomberg, 52% of law firms have increased their digital marketing, particularly social media marketing, efforts in the past few years. There are many reasons why digital marketing is so popular among law firms. 

First, digital marketing is highly targeted and can be segmented to reach a specific audience. For example, you can target legal consumers by their location, practice area, or even the type of law they need help with. This allows for marketing strategy to be more customized and specific, which has proven to generate better results in a specialized legal field. Additionally, digital marketing is very cost-effective when compared to traditional marketing methods used by law firms. And, with the onset of COVID the social cost of following conventional methods is too high.

Moreover, with digital marketing, it’s easy to track and measure results. All of which is automated thanks to the numerous tools (often free) available to firms. Finally, digital marketing is a great way to build relationships with potential clients through content marketing and social media. Lawyers no longer have to invest time in personally meeting clients or organizing and attending expensive events to stay in touch with their clients. Virtual relationship development overcomes the cons of those options while offering flexibility and innovation in the way lawyers build relationships.

So which digital channel should you use to reach legal consumers? The answer may surprise you: email marketing. Email marketing is the most popular digital marketing tactic used by law firms, according to the Legal Marketing Association survey. There are several reasons why email marketing is so effective in the legal industry. 

Email allows you to reach a large number of potential clients with your marketing message. Email automation tools have made the task easier for marketers. They allow sending out emails to thousands of recipients with just one click. Additionally, email is highly personalized and can be customized to meet the needs of each individual recipient. With this option, you can easily build rapport with the client and make them feel valued. Finally, email marketing is very affordable and easy to track, making it an ideal marketing channel for law firms. If you’re not already using email marketing to reach legal consumers, now is the time to start. 

Don’t know where or how to start? Contact our team of experts to walk you through the process customized for your practice.


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