
Websites have increasingly become the face of law firms. Particularly in this digital era where customers use online vetting before reaching out to a law practice. The website of a law firm also serves as a repository of useful information that clients can access and refer back to. This includes blogs, articles, videos, infographics and ebooks. This helps lawyers establish themselves as an authority in their field. Moreover, the emergence of remote relations during COVID has amplified the significance of websites, both for customers and for organizations. But, developing a website for your practice is not the end goal here. It is to be able to drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

Trying to generate traffic for your website can be a tedious process. And, the internet offers a plethora of strategies that may or may not work. So, we have hand-picked the top five tried and tested ways that have yielded promising results:

Work on SEO

The search engine infrastructure picks up on specific keywords mentioned in a search and matches those with the words mentioned on a website. That means that content on your website should include the keywords trending in your field. Strategically using the keywords in the service description(s), blogs and ebooks can significantly increase the chances of your website showing up when a potential client searches for the services you are offering. 

Tools like Moz and Ahrefs can help you identify the most commonly used keywords in the industry; and also the top searched keywords by customers. To take this process one step forward, lawyers can hire an SEO services provider to do an extensive audit of your website and offer insights to improve SEO rankings and attract quality leads.

Generate Useful Content 

Within the legal industry, the credibility of the lawyer is one of the most important elements that draws clients. The digital persona of the lawyer or law practice reflects its credibility in the minds of clients. The information on websites and social media pages are one of the top measures of credibility. It determines whether a client thinks you are an authority in your area of expertise or not. Therefore, content publishing is key for the success of your website.

Have a look at your website and ask yourself this: does the content offer useful information to clients? Does the content reflect my expertise in the area? Does it help in showing readers that I am a trustworthy authority in my area? Is the information shared enticing enough to catch a reader’s interest? If the answer to any of these questions is no, it’s an indicator that you need to work on your website content to stand out of the crowd. Start today by creating a business blog, sharing infographics and more information that is of use to clients. This will improve traffic on your website and help you generate leads from there. For a detailed overview of how to go about it, contact a marketing consultancy to help you out.

Leverage Social Media

Social media has turned into a key tool for anyone trying to market their services. The possibilities of using it to create a competitive advantage are endless. But, it is important to note here that merely having a social media presence does not do the trick. The real advantage lies in an active social media presence. Regularly posting useful content on social media and linking it to your website can single-handedly turn your own social media presence into one of the main sources that drives traffic to your website. 

The social media algorithms help increase the reach of your content to your target market. And an effective call to action boosts the chances of potential customers visiting your website to find out more about your practice. This way, even if your website itself isn’t ranked very high in searches, your social media can improve its visibility for clients looking for services you provide.

Enhance Website Performance

Remember when closed a website before it finished loading because you got annoyed by the time it took to load? Slow page speeds are a major turn off for visitors and significantly increase the bounce rate. That means, even if you are doing all things right to drive traffic to your website, a slow page can throw your efforts down the drain and potential customers may not even see what you have to offer on your website.

Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool today to obtain a performance score for your website. It will use multiple metrics to assess it and even give suggestions on how to improve it. A marketing consultancy firm can help you implement the changes based on the recommendations of the tool(s). To prevent your business development efforts from going to waste, invest a little to optimize the performance of your website. 

Improve Firm Listings on Online Business Directories

Online business directories are one of the most commonly used platforms for locals in your area to search for a nearby practice. There are two types of business directories: generic ones like Google and Facebook, and industry specific ones, like Avvo and Justia. Just getting your firm listed on these directories is not enough. It is vital that these platforms have complete and updated information about your law practice.

Optimize your profiles so that they can rank well on the platforms. An updated and complete profile with would often stand out for clients comparing businesses that offer similar services as yours. Putting in an effort to make and maintain your business profile will increase its visibility to locals searching for the services you offer. It improves the chances of your law firm’s name appearing on top of the search list of your target market; increasing the probability of them checking out your website. 

These are just a few useful and easy tips to drive traffic to your website and make your practice stand out amongst competitors in a saturated industry. Most of these recommendations can be implemented easily by putting in a little extra time and effort. Even if that seems a little difficult, it will be worth it to engage a marketing consultancy to help out with these steps to excel in the industry.


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