
The digital era has revolutionized how firms market themselves. The online world has a more important role to play in the lives of both customers and businesses than conventional marketing platforms. The changing dynamics of the marketing world have brought with it countless opportunities for lawyers, which, if ignored, can make or break their practice. Lets look into why digital marketing is important for law firms.

Rich Matta rightfully states that in today’s digital world, lawyers often get just one click and a few seconds to make their case in front of potential clients so it is important to make that brief – and maybe only – interaction count and leave a lasting impression on potential clients. 

Even if you think that the traditional methods of networking and word-of-mouth are working well for your law firm, read ahead to see what digital marketing can do for you:

Provide access to 70% of your clients

Before we dive into the process of identifying an ideal attorney, for a personal or professional need, involves two main things: word of mouth and online vetting. The digital era has equipped clients with the tools to verify if a lawyer is worthy of their time and money with just a few clicks and searches. Particularly in the legal industry, the pain points of the clients are often emotionally driven so a main consideration for them when looking for an attorney is whether their online presence deems them worthy of their trust.

About 70% of consumers looking for legal services use this digital vetting process to identify who can offer them the best services. That is where digital marketing decides the fate of businesses. Online client reviews, published testimonials from happy customers and useful content on social media pages are all part of the reason clients might choose you. And, since the onset of COVID-19, having a digital presence has become the primary avenue for businesses around the world to connect with customers.

Strengthen client relationships

Since most clients today have an active online presence, it makes digital marketing the best strategy at engaging and retaining clients. The idea is to stay on top of their mind and build a community where you enable both current and potential clients to be more informed, engaged and recognised. In a way, digital marketing has revolutionized the meaning of before- and after-sales service as it offers an avenue for nurturing relationships with clients before, during and after a direct interaction.

Moreover, digital marketing serves a two-pronged purpose where it not only allows you to stay connected with your clientele but also enables existing clients to advocate for you. The reviews and testimonials clients leave on your online profile, whether on Google or other attorney review sites, go a long way in building a case for your services when potential clients are looking to hire someone. These reviews and positive online reputation is the competitive advantage you can gain over competitors in the increasingly competitive industry.

Offer insights into client needs and behavior

Small and medium enterprises often struggle with low client conversion rates, which makes them question their targeting and strategy for pursuing clients. Digital marketing opens up a plethora of possibilities for firms to record and analyze the behavior of their target market and leverage those insights to drive business growth. The digital world today is synonymous to a never-ending encyclopedia on client behavior, which helps businesses make informed decisions about targeting and overall strategy for boosting ROI.

Online marketing also offers a convenient and easy way to run analytics on your marketing efforts. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Alerts allow you to monitor the effectiveness of your marketing and what the world is saying about your practice so you can respond accordingly to stay ahead of any type of publicity, good or bad.

A cost effective way of marketing and generating business

Yes, you heard it right. Digital marketing is by far the most pocket friendly, yet most effective, way of marketing your business. Digital tools allow businesses today to forego the hefty costs associated with conventional marketing, giving SMEs a chance to compete with the most well-renowned names in the industry. To establish credibility in an increasingly competitive market, individual lawyers can excel by gaining recognition as thought leaders and sharing useful content for their target market. For instance, research has suggested that companies that maintain a blog are able to generate 90% more leads as opposed to those who don’t. 

A strong digital footing for a law firm plays a crucial role in its survival and growth in the COVID-19 and post-COVID world where markets are embracing the idea of remote interactions across the board. For most customers, it is your digital image that will single-handedly determine how credible and trustworthy you are as an attorney. Your social media, social profile, online reviews – basically, everything – should advocate for you. Reach out to Advocate Marketers to learn how to improve your digital image.


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